Grant Writing Workshop Series
October 14 ‒ November 18, 2024 (6-7:30PM)
Keene-Flint 0013
In the 2024 Fall semester, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere offered a Grant Writing Workshop Series to 12 UF graduate students in the humanities and humanistic sciences. Based on Raphael B. Folsom’s book How to Get Grant Money in the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Grant Writing Workshop Series provided graduate students the basics of the grant-writing process, including finding a mentor, conceptualizing the project, and tailoring an application for a specific submission.
Students explored different grant funding bodies, detailed instruction on preparing a proposal (including all sections i.e., budget preparation, facilities, environment, approach, biosketches), and the application and review process. In addition to developing a competitive grant proposal, workshop applicants received a timeline and guidance for requesting recommendation letters. At the end of the program, the students’ proposal was reviewed by an internal panel evaluation.
Cosponsored by the UF Office of Research
From Project to Podcast: Workshop with Gilbert King
October 24, 2024 (5:00-7:30PM)
Pugh HALL 170
We joined the UF History department for a workshop featuring Gilbert King, author and host of the true crime podcast Bone Valley. This interactive event provided insight into how to translate public research into a podcast by guiding participants through the process of adapting academic work for a broader audience.This workshop will offered practical insights into storytelling, production, and audience engagement, empowering students and scholars to share their research in dynamic and accessible formats. This session ultimately provided valuable tools to help bring students research to life in the digital age.
Joint Event with the UF Department of History
Digital Experiential Learning: A Seminar with Steve Davis
October 23, 2024 (4:00-5:00PM)
Keene-flint 0013
In late October we joined Dr. Steve Davis, Associate Professor of History at the University of Kentucky, as he described the work of Bitter Aloe, an AI inflected humanities research group leveraging machine learning methods to organize and interpret South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) archive, which is a comprehensive collection of testimonies, reports, and data documenting the human rights violations that occurred during apartheid. Davis and his team applied three AI models to the extensive testimonies and qualitative data produced by the TRC between 1995 and 2003, uncovering new insights into South Africa’s complex history, particularly in the realm of human rights. Students interested in his project and expertise were invited to learn more about the convergence of digital technologies and humanities research through a seminar where he discussed his experiential learning graduate course, “Graduate Practicum at Shaker Village: Public History and Digital History in Practice.”
Joint Event with the UF Center for African Studies
Alex Gil Fuentes Graduate Reading Group
September 24, 2024 (6:00-7:00PM)
Cypress & Grove Brewing company
On September 26, the Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere (CHPS) was meant to host Alex Gil Fuentes, PhD (Yale, Department of Spanish and Portuguese). Unfortunately, the talk was delayed due to Hurricane Helene (the original dates are displayed in the image above). Nevertheless, we held a Graduate Student Reading Group to read and discuss a few of Gil’s publications in anticipation of his talk in the spring. We had the pleasure of reading and engaging with “Design for Diversity: The Case of Ed.” and “Only Connect: The Globalization of the Digital Humanities.”By doing so, we deepened our understanding of his work, built community, and enjoyed some food together.
Humanities Happy Hour
September 18, 2024 (5:30-7:00PM)
First Magnitude Brewing company
In preparation for Raymond Arsenault’s visit to The Lynx, faculty and graduate students alike read his compelling biography about civil rights activist John Lewis: In Search of the Beloved Community. In these chapters, students explored Lewis’ early life and rise as a leading voice for justice through his activism with the Freedom Riders and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. We learned through our discussion of Lewis’ lifetime work toward one overarching goal: realizing the “beloved community,” an ideal society based in equity and inclusion. Lewis never wavered in this pursuit, and even in death his influence endures, inspiring mobilization and resistance in the fight for social justice.
See past events here.