Americans for the Arts
This site focuses on jobs related to the fine arts
Administration, Arts, Communications/PR, Museums
Browse our curated list of prominent job boards advertising careers, internships, and vocations in the humanities. View all to scroll through the entire list or filter by categories relevant to your interests. Discover the many opportunities to apply your humanities education beyond graduate school.
This site focuses on jobs related to the fine arts
Administration, Arts, Communications/PR, Museums
This site is dedicated to careers in fundraising for non-profits
Communications/PR, Grantmaking, Non-Profit
Career board for non-profit careers in philanthropy and social justice.
Communications/PR, Grantmaking, Non-Profit, Research
A job site for grantmaking corporations
Communications/PR, Grantmaking, Non-Profit
This job site highlights teaching positions, administration, and edtech jobs for K-12 learning
Administration, Communications/PR, K-12 Education, Research
A job search engine for vocational careers related to social justice, philanthropy, and the arts
Administration, Arts, Communications/PR, Museums, Non-Profit, Publishing, Research
A search engine for careers in the non-profit sector
Communications/PR, Grantmaking, Non-Profit, Research
A search engine dedicated to careers in non-profit organizations
Communications/PR, K-12 Education, Non-Profit, Research
Jobs postings for the National Endowment for the Humanites
Communications/PR, Government, Research
Includes numerous jobs related to the arts (not specific to New York)
Arts, Communications/PR, Non-Profit
A small job job board for grantmaking organizations
Communications/PR, Grantmaking, Non-Profit
This site lists jobs for missional careers in philanthropy, social justice, and education
Communications/PR, K-12 Education, Non-Profit, Research
A modest career board for roles in grantmaking organizations
Communications/PR, Non-Profit
A job site focused on non-profit and vocational careers
Administration, Communications/PR, Non-Profit, Research